Sunday, October 5, 2008


Here we are three weeks into our new website ( and realising that we need to have blogs, rather than trying to treat our individual pages ("jeff's place, naomi's place) as blogs.  

I find I want to add little extras: I think of another book I'd like to recommend, or have a thought that is travel or food related or something, and now I realise that that kind of entry is more easily kept track of in a blog format than on the website.  There will be interplay, and I may move or copy entries from the blog to the site., I imagine.

On blogspot, as in other similar hosts, the blogs have a table of contents and it's easy to search back to look at earlier entries.  On the website, if we continue making entries without deleting others, things could get cumbersome.  So I will continue to make changes on my page (and other pages) on the website, but will be doing more writing here.  This page is linked to "naomi's place" on the website, so hopefully it will feel like a seamless extension of that page.  We'll see.  Once more we're in "nothing ventured, nothing gained" territory!


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